Essay on "Mercy"

Mercy is a phenomenon that has existed in our society since ancient times. Showing kindness to people and helping them unselfishly is considered an exceptionally good deed.

It is not without reason that the Russian tsars and emperors during their reign opened orphanages for orphans and the homeless, built free schools for peasants and medical institutions. Thus they pay for essay demonstrated to their people their ability to be kind and generous, and thus deserving of people's trust and respect.

Little has changed in our times. Even today, the opening of charitable organizations is often also an initiative of the state. In addition, a large number of private benefactors write papers for money have appeared who are eager to help those in need.

We can say that showing charity today is very prestigious. It is prestigious to make charitable donations or to engage in volunteer work. Many famous people do my paper do it and encourage others to do the same by their own example. I think this is a wonderful trend.

Nevertheless, a manifestation of charity should be solely an act of the heart. That is, a person should not transfer money to someone or get a job at a charity organization just because he or she wants to earn the approval of those around him or her. What is important is that people should follow their heart's desire in such matters. That they really want to help others. I am sure that only then will their good deeds do the most good to those for whom they are done.

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